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Secure Public Spaces

Secure Public Spaces

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Urban Furniture Can Effectively Secure Public Spaces

Damasec specializes in urban security. We are particularly skilled in strategically placed security bollards, benches, and planters that can withstand vehicle attacks.

Terrorist attacks in Europe over the past 10 years have led to an increasing demand for security in places where people gather. According to a survey by ATG Access (2018), 82% of architects and urban planners believe it is important to integrate security measures into public spaces.

Urban furniture is ideal for creating an aesthetically pleasing public space that also serves as an effective traffic and security solution for people in the urban landscape. We offer certified solutions that do not compromise on aesthetics or security in public spaces.

Start Securing Your Public Space

We help you create a secure urban space.

Consulting from Day One

Make the right decision. Get the right advice early in the process. Damasec has over 20 years of experience from projects and know-how both domestically and internationally, including with municipalities, authorities, airports, etc.

Aesthetics and Security in One

Achieve an aesthetically pleasing public space with effective protection against intentional and unintentional vehicle attacks in a crowd.

Project Management

Damasec has extensive knowledge of the construction phases and project management in client deliveries, as the main contractor, subcontractor, and material supplier. We can therefore advise you throughout the process.

Certified Solutions

All solutions are crash-tested and certified according to international standards. High operational reliability and long service life.

Hidden Security in Design

Damasec provides bollard solutions where the bollard is placed in the design without the users of the public space noticing it.

  • Artistic Bollards – Bollards can be designed to have an artistic expression. This can include everything from the bollard’s shape and color to attached coats of arms or city emblems, and even attached sculptures.
  • Benches – Benches have been a staple in public spaces for centuries. It is easy to incorporate security solutions here.
  • Planters – Planters are beautiful in public spaces and can simultaneously have a built-in security solution that effectively stops an unintentional or intentional vehicle attack.
  • Other Built-in Solutions – Bollard solutions can also be built into bike racks, trash cans, discreet fencing of areas, lighting, sculptures, traffic islands, flagpoles, etc.