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How far can a vehicle penetrate behind a security solution?


Safe City Solutions in Holland has created a very good poster illustrating the penetration of vehicles into an area after they have hit the perimeter security solution.

At Damasec Physical Protection, we believe it is very important for customers to be aware of how far vehicles can actually penetrate behind the perimeter security, and this poster provides a very good insight.


Risk assessment for vehicle attacks

At Damasec Physical Protection, we always focus on conducting a risk assessment – a so-called Vehicle Dynamics Assessment (VDA) – for a vehicle attack at the specific location. This could be in urban areas, squares, pedestrian streets, etc.

A VDA provides insight into the maximum speed a hostile vehicle can reach in the area, as well as what level of protection (including what bollards) is needed. The level of protection always depends on how far the vehicle is allowed to penetrate into a given area after the truck/vehicle has hit the bollards before the vehicle must be stopped completely.

Here is a crash test of Surface Guard – a surface-mounted security barrier used at events. Surface Guard is modular, which gives it the flexibility to secure any type of event.

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