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How to achieve optimal access security for buildings

Sikringsvinduer og -døre

A specially built guardhouse, placed inside or outside the perimeter, ensures your reception so that staff and visitors can easily come and go with optimal security.

Securing embassies, government offices, and other high-priority buildings involves thorough control of visitors and vehicles before they are allowed into the perimeter.

Damasec Physical Protection Systems can provide a complete package of guardhouse solutions. Depending on the identified threat level, we can deliver the necessary security systems and external building reinforcement.

With a Damasec solution, contact with, for example, an embassy can be handled in a secure, controlled access zone – separated from restricted areas, away from the main building.

Reinforced exterior

Our theoretical knowledge and practical experience form the basis for an assessment of how and where, through a comprehensive solution, we should strengthen a building to ensure maximum protection against unauthorized guests.

This means that windows, doors, and walls are constructed to withstand unwanted intrusion (forced entry), explosions, and ballistic threats.

Entrance airlock

People entering from the street gain access to the controlled access zone via our airlock system. Here, they must pass through a metal detector, an x-ray machine, an inspection area, and a storage area for personal belongings.

Equipment and training

We provide the necessary equipment and training to operate the guardhouse. This can include visitor and vehicle checks, handling of incoming mail and packages.

We advise on CCTV surveillance and other systems to optimize the level of protection.

Eksample of guardhouse concept


Overview of guardhouse concept:

  • Appearance and function are designed to meet your specific protection requirements.
  • Walls of composite panel and concrete.
  • Doors and windows are designed according to your needs.
  • High-quality accessories


  • All guests must pass through a metal detector. The same applies to bags and packages.r
  • Storage area for personal belongings


  • Window and intercom system
  • Pass-through trays (secure document exchange)

Waiting room

Interview room

  • Window and intercom system
  • Pass-through trays

Consular services, where relevant

  • Window and intercom system
  • Pass-through trays

Vehicle inspection zone:b

  • Sliding gate
  • Drop arm gate
  • Vehicle scanner


CCTV surveillance

Activation/response to alarms

Guard room

  • Designed to operate 24/7.


  • Fixed and high-quality hydraulic systems

Turnkey solution

Individual security requirements and geographical location require a unique design of the guardhouse.

Through close collaboration, we analyze risks, present a proposal, and assist you in building a guardhouse that matches your requirements. Guard and operator training is available from our experienced field team.

In the process, we focus on security design, function, and appearance.

Building engineers, craftsmen, and former officers with backgrounds in EOD and IED are part of our team. All our employees have security clearance from the Police Intelligence Service.


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